Iowa GOP Rand 2013 unlocked 067 (Side 67)-M

(Des Moines, IA) Today the Republican Party of Iowa announced that U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz will be headlining it’s annual Ronald Reagan Commemorative Dinner on Friday, October 25th. The dinner held each fall is one of the largest events by the state party and typically serves as a showcase for leaders within the Republican Party. The dinner will be held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.

“Senator Cruz has quickly become nationally recognizable as someone who came to Washington to truly shake things up,” said Republican Party Chairman A.J. Spiker. “Cruz has been a tremendous leader in holding the Obama administration accountable for the out of control debt and spending problems we face today. We are both honored and ecstatic to be having him keynote our fall Reagan Dinner.”

Tickets and sponsorship packages to the event can be purchased by contacting the Republican Party of Iowa or online at A special ticketing page has been set up exclusively for this event at

Photo credit: Dave Davidson (used with permission)

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