rnc-logo(Washington, DC) Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus today announced that the RNC raised $7.1 million in September 2013. The committee’s cash on hand totals $11.2 million. Support from all levels of donors remains strong as the RNC continues to build an unprecedented ground game, to make important new hires, and to invest in data and technology.

“It’s because of the strong support of our donors that we are able to build a permanent ground operation and ensure a year-round presence in communities all across America,” said Chairman Priebus.

“We’re extremely grateful for their investment, which has allowed us to accomplish so much in a very short time. With our new Precinct Team ground game model, we’ve already hired hundreds of individuals who are ready to lead tens of thousands of Republican volunteers. This past month, we brought on more team members to engage with the black community and black press, and we announced our Hispanic engagement staff and advisory councils in seven states. Meanwhile, our CTO Andy Barkett continues to lead us in recruiting top engineers and opening our Silicon Valley Office.

“I remain confident that with these early investments and the continued support of our donors we can grow our party and win more elections in 2014, 2016, and beyond.”

Fast facts:

  • Total raised in September 2013: $7.1 million
  • Total cash on hand: $11.2 million
  • Percentage of donations $200 or under: 99 percent
  • Average donation: $56
  • Total Debt: $0
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