Dave Ramsey

I wanted to share this video of Dave Ramsey explaining how Obamacare will impact us.  The video below is from a radio show he did on October 4th.  He asserts that health insurance premiums will have to go up.  “They have to
 it’s not a political statement. It’s that I know how to do math.”

“You’re not exempt from math if you’re a Democrat, you are not exempt from math if you’re a Republican.  You are not exempt from the math if you’re a liberal, and are not exempt from the math if you’re a conservative.  You still have to do math.  Anyone who can can do math can tell anyone who has the basic business premises of something like a social security system or something like the tenets of Obamacare – the processes that are being put in place there.  It’s fairly easy to surmise with critical thought what is going to occur.  You just have to be intellectually honest enough to do critical thought and to look at it regardless of your political leanings  And you  have to pull your head far enough out of your politics to have an original thought.” Ramsey said.

Insurance companies will be forced to take on anyone regardless of preexisting conditions starting on January 1, 2014.  They will not be allowed to change them more as they used to be able to do with those customers.   That will force everyone’s premiums to rise.  He also explains how this will impact businesses forced with raised premiums.

“Employers aren’t going to pay for this.  They aren’t going to accept less profit. They’re going to cut expenses like not hire as many people or not give as many raises – you are going to pay for it,” Ramsey said.

“Anytime you force you force everyone to be on the same playing field, you force income reallocation – regardless how you feel about it or what your moral imperative is, you still have the same net result mathematically,” Ramsey added. “The more we look into Obamacare, the more we realize that we’re being forced to do this. You don’t get the option of not participating. You are going to pay a fine. Your employer’s going to pay a fine. Your employer’s going to pay higher fees.  You are going to pay higher fees.”

Watch below:

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