Sam Clovis(Sioux City, IA) “Once again, thanks to President Obama and Rep. Bruce Braley, the disaster known as Obamacare seems to be throwing another curveball right into the lives of millions of American families,” said Sam Clovis.  “President Obama and his Democrat counterparts said over and over again that nothing would change with regards to your healthcare insurance if you liked your current plan.  They were wrong. Millions with individual health insurance plans have already been cancelled. What is even more terrifying is that Rep. Bruce Braley didn’t think the current out-of-touch version of Obamacare went far enough.  He actually pressed for legislation containing a single-payer public option.”

Clovis, who has actually read the bill, unlike many who actually voted for the monstrosity, continued by saying, “According to reports, 66 percent of small business employers and 45 percent of large business employer plans will be judged “sub-standard” because of the new regulations. As we are already seeing millions of Americans with individual policies losing their health insurance, we all know that a similar fate awaits those with employer coverage in the not-so-distant future.”

In a report published by the Congressional Budget Office, more than half the population, or 156 million Americans, are covered by employer-supported insurance and will be at risk of losing that coverage.  “Every day, we turn around and find something else wrong with Obamacare.  From a glitch-ridden website, to millions of Americans being dropped from their current policies to a dismal future for employer-provided insurance plans, Iowans believe enough is enough. It is time to dismantle Obamacare, but Rep. Bruce Braley won’t even agree to delay the individual mandate.  Braley is just too extreme for Iowa.”

Sam Clovis is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently being held by Senator Tom Harkin.  Harkin is retiring at the end of this Congressional session.

Clovis holds a Masters in Business Administration in Management and a Doctorate in Public Administration.  He is currently a tenured full professor at a private liberal arts college in northwest Iowa.  He served in the United States Air Force for 25 years and still provides leadership to defense and homeland security institutions.  He lives in Hinton, IA with his wife Charlotte and stepson Khan.  More information on the candidate and his campaign may be obtained at

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