
Matt Whitaker was endorsed by former Iowa Hawkeyes quarterback and Heisman Trophy finalist Brad Banks.  The Whitaker campaign sent the email below to supporters:


In 2003, I was honored to be a Heisman Trophy finalist after leading the Iowa Hawkeyes to an 11 – 2 season and the Orange Bowl. That’s when I got to know Matt – also a Hawkeye – whose winning football career a decade before mine was well known to the team.

Matt inspired me with his leadership, plain and simple. You see, leadership is more than just getting people to follow you. It take character, hard work, selflessness . . .

And I saw that in Matt when we coached football together for the Jaguars in West Des Moines – a team that both our sons played for.

When Matt told me he was running for Senate, I knew he was the man for the job. His record of leadership and trustworthiness makes him the ideal person to represent Iowa.

I understand that there’s a big deadline coming up tomorrow – and it’s critical to helping Matt’s campaign. Please donate whatever you can to help Matt win. I know he’d appreciate your support . . . and so would I.

Thank you so much for your help and Go Hawkeyes!

Brad Banks

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