
Des Moines, IA – The Midwest March for Life hosted by Iowa Right to Life will be held on Saturday, January 18th at 11:00a at the Iowa State Capitol.  Following the march participants are welcome to attend the “Roe v. Wade Effect” at the Iowa Events Center.  This year Bryan Kemper of Stand True Pro-Life Outreach will be the keynote speaker.

After the luncheon program, just down the hallway, there will be a rally with Bryan Kemper and many others, from 2:30-4:30pm for students from junior high through college.  There will be several breakout sessions provided during that time for adults who stay.

Last year there were over 500 in attendance, and event organizers hope to exceed that in 2014.

View and share the Midwest March for Life flyer and the Youth Rally flyer.  Those interested in attending can RSVP here.

Below is the video trailer for the march:

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