UnFair_Movie_Tour.JPG(National Harbor, MD) I had to travel to CPAC being held outside of Washington, DC at the Gaylord National Convention Center in order to see the fruit of the labor of several Iowa activists who decided they wanted to shine light on the IRS scandal.  They recently undertook a national tour in order to talk to everyday Americans who have been targeted by the IRS, but also nationally known figures who addressed the issue.

Craig Bergman, a well known Iowa activist, was the producer and narrator for the movie.  Judd Saul, another Tea Party activist from Cedar Falls, IA, directed the movie.  Their website, describes the movie, “UNFAIR will reveal the truth about the abuses of power, the cover ups, and expose the IRS as a blatantly unfair and corrupt entity which is unable to be reformed and therefore must be abolished.”

Having watched the movie I wholeheartedly agree with that description.  I’ve followed the IRS scandal, and have written on it.  I walked out of the CPAC theater angry, fired up, and appalled at the unjust actions by our Federal government not just during this present administration, but throughout its history.  I walked away having learned more about the implementation of the 16th Amendment, and how the Internal Revenue Service has been used as a bludgeon and tool to silence political speech.

They talked well known figures like former Governor Mike Huckabee, Congressman Louie Gehmert, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Grover Norquist, David Barton, David Keene and others.  What impressed upon me were the interviews with several tea party activists who had their organizations close as a result of the IRS targeting.  I was shocked by the story of a small American Legion chapter in Texas that was fined $50,000 for asking for donations for food.  I was fired up the story of Pro-Life Revolution and how the director of that organization was verbally assaulted by an IRS employee.

UnFair is still in post-production, but I encourage you that when it is released that you see this movie.  It will anger you, but more than that, it will spur you to action which I believe was Bergman’s intent.

Photo credit: Jake Dagel

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