Iowa agriculture advocate Monte Shaw, candidate for the Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, has released his first television ad of his campaign for Congress, titled, “Eden”. The ad features his 7 year old daughter, Eden, discussing her $55,000 share of the national debt and asking Shaw for an increase in her allowance to help pay for it. The ad will air on broadcast and cable TV across the district.

“I am running for Congress because this debt isn’t fair to our kids,” Shaw said. “My daughter Eden’s share of the national debt, at age 7, is already $55,000 because of irresponsible spending in Washington D.C.  It’s time we elect leaders who understand that pro-growth policies with spending restraint will put us back on the right track.”

Today’s ad release continues on weeks of momentum for Shaw.  He has led the field in fundraising and built the strongest team in the Third District race, including Iowa political veterans John Maxwell and Steve Grubbs, an agriculture team with decades of Iowa agriculture experience, and a finance team including former Republican Party of Iowa Chair Matt Strawn, Earl May Seed and Nursery CEO Bill Shaw, and banker Mick Guttau. Shaw has also garnered the two biggest endorsements of the race so far.  Former Congressman Greg Ganske has joined with Jon King, Congressman Steve King’s brother, to co-chair the Shaw campaign.  Shaw also recently announced the support of the “Iowa Boy” Chuck Offenburger, a well-known and longtime Des Moines Register columnist and blogger.

Shaw is Executive Director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association and a former member of the Republican Party of Iowa State Central Committee.  He has managed a number of Iowa political campaigns, including Grassley for U.S. Senate and Elizabeth Dole for President.  He also served as deputy national press secretary on the Steve Forbes presidential campaign in 2000 and as communications director for DC-based Renewable Fuels Association.  Shaw, who grew up on a farm in Shenandoah, currently resides in West Des Moines with his wife, Tina, and their two children, Eden and Max.

For more details, visit or Iowans for Shaw on Facebook.

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