Bob Vander Plaats
Bob Vander Plaats at 2011 Marriage Rally at the Iowa State Capitol.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

(Sioux City, IA) Bob Vander Plaats, today announced his endorsement of Sam Clovis for the U.S. Senate.  “Sam has proven that he can go the distance not only across Iowa, but on the issues that are important in this race,” said Vander Plaats.  “Sam Clovis knows that the family is important to Iowa and to the future of America.  I will stand with Sam as he fights for these values in the U.S. Senate.”

“This is truly a great day,” said Sam Clovis.  “In traveling from river to river, I have met and visited with many voters who feel that the family is being left out of the political equation.  Bob Vander Plaats’ endorsement is a signal to the grassroots of Iowa that commitment to the family is key to a winning campaign.  I am honored to have Bob’s endorsement.”

Sam Clovis is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Tom Harkin.  Harkin has announced that he will not seek re-election at the conclusion of this Congressional session.

“When visiting with Sam, I found him to be a man of faith and conviction,” said Vander Plaats.  “These traits are essential to succeed in today’s world, and I am confident Sam will hold true to the time-tested values that strengthen families in the U.S. Senate.”

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