
I was focused on Braley’s “Chick” ad and other news yesterday so I neglected to point out the asinine remark that Congressman Bruce Braley’s surrogate, State Senator Steve Sodders (D-State Center), made.   He addressed the first TV ad State Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) ran in Iowa’s U.S. Senate Race called “Squeal.”  He equated, during a press conference yesterday, hog castration with animal mutilation.  Sodders said, “In part of her ad, she talks about mutilating animals and riding Harleys all the way to Washington, D.C.”

Is this guy for real?  Is he from Iowa?  Granted I didn’t grow up on a farm (I did grow up in a farming community), but even I know this is an accepted practice in the industry and I’m not expected to respresent the agricultural community in the Iowa Senate.

Braley was already in trouble with farmers.  Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey released a statement after Kathie Obradovich broke this story at The Des Moines Register. “Bruce Braley and his campaign continue to show that he is out of touch and doesn’t understand, respect or appreciate hard working Iowa farmers.  First he insults Sen. Grassley in front of a group of Texas trial lawyers, now he is attacking farmers for a procedure that is a necessary and humane.  Livestock farmers work hard, put in long hours and take great pride in caring for their animals.  To say these farmers are mutilating their animals is an insult,” Northey said.

It should be noted that the World Pork Expo started yesterday.  Beautiful.

With friends like these Braley doesn’t need enemies.

Photo credit: Mark Peters (CC by 2.0)

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