Gopal Krishna sent the following email to members of the Republican Party of Iowa State Central Committee last night.

To All RSCC Members,

I have not received a written notice that contains the names/signatures of the 14 RSCC members referenced in the below email from David Chung. Below email refers to an inapplicable article in the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa – – – it should have referenced to the Bylaws of the RSCC of Iowa. In the absence of an Agenda item that specifically says Removal of Chair and/or Co-Chair, it is my understanding that it may take 2/3rd majority vote (12 members present and voting – – – not counting proxies) to remove the Chair and/or the Co-Chair during the June 28 RSCC meeting.

Just like all of you, every 2 years, the newly elected RSCC members will inherit a sitting Chair and a Co-Chair elected by the previous RSCC. It is not healthy for the viability of the RPI if every newly elected RSCC wants to elect their own new leadership few months before the general elections. That right should be exercised in the first RSCC Meeting in the year following the biennial general elections, as provided in the present Bylaws of the RSCC of Iowa.

Since super majority of you decided to embark on an unwise and uncharted territory, I suggest that all of you take time in the next 2 years to revise the present Bylaws of the RSCC of Iowa to incorporate a reason (or reasons) and a procedure for the removal of the officers (realizing that the Treasurer and the Secretary can/may continue to be members of the RSCC) and address many other issues of the past few years.

In the June 14 State Convention, I said “To win elections, all of us should never forget 2 words – – – Republican Unity”. With that in my mind, especially for the sake of all candidates who endured hard fought primary battles, and as requested during the June 14, 2014 RSCC Meeting, I hereby resign my position as State Co-Chair of the Republican Party of Iowa effective 1:00 P.M. on June 28, 2014.

Wishing all of you nothing but the very best in your work,


Gopal T.K. Krishna
State Co-Chair of the Republican Party of Iowa

The State Central Committee is expected to elect a new chair and co-chair this afternoon at 1:00p.

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