U.S. Senators Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released statements after President Donald Trump’s 2nd State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening.

Ernst said:

Tonight we heard a message of unity, cooperation, and prosperity from President Trump. He called on us to come together for the greater good to find bipartisan solutions and to continue to work together to grow our economy.
Under Republican pro-growth policies like tax reform and regulatory reform, the economy is booming, jobs are growing, and wages are rising. Nowhere is the strength of the economy more evident than in the great state of Iowa, where the 2.4 percent unemployment rate is the lowest in the nation.
Through strong trade deals, like the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, we are seeing greater access to new markets for our farmers and producers, which is so important to Iowa’s economy. While Iowans also support the administration taking a tough line with China, it’s critically important that we find resolution on the tariffs soon.
Yet again, tonight, the president was clear on the need for border security and lasting immigration reform. Securing our southern border is a key part of a system to discourage illegal immigration and curb human trafficking and the transport of illegal weapons and drugs into Iowa and across America. While the administration included major parts of my bill, Sarah’s Law, via executive order, I hope Congress will work together to take up this commonsense bill and codify it into law.
In keeping with the bipartisan message heard tonight, I’m hopeful we can build on the bipartisan successes of last Congress for hardworking Iowans, and all Americans.

Below is Grassley’s statement:

I’m glad President Trump rightly discussed the many accomplishments of the last two years. Tax cuts and regulatory reforms have led to a booming economy with near-record low unemployment and the fastest wage growth in a decade. A historic number of highly qualified judges who respect the Constitution and the rule of law have been confirmed. Congress and the Administration have shown with criminal justice reform that bipartisan legislating can still be done when it comes to the big issues we face as a country.
President Trump kept his promise to update NAFTA and made key improvements for U.S. agriculture. The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement should be ratified this year to give certainty to the millions of American farmers, businesses, workers and families who will benefit from the updated trade deal. I also hope that ongoing negotiations with China will result in a change in their discriminatory policies and practices and an easing of tariffs and tensions. Members of the Finance Committee, myself included, are reviewing presidential authorities on tariffs and exploring legislation to return some of the powers ceded to the executive branch back to Congress.
Congress and the Administration have their work cut out when it comes to lowering prescription drug costs. We’ve already begun by holding hearings and introducing legislation. President Trump’s call for greater transparency in health care should be a no-brainer. I expect deep-pocketed interests to oppose anything and everything to protect the status quo. But the moment is ripe for action and Americans expect us to work together to get the job done.
President Trump made the case for fair and effective border security measures that prioritize the safety and security of Americans. A physical barrier is a commonsense part of a broader border security plan. A deal to avert another government shutdown should include these priorities as well as end government shutdowns once and for all. Improved interior enforcement and the use of human and technological resources at the border would also help restore the rule of law when it comes to immigration.
I agree with President Trump’s call to fix the nation’s outdated infrastructure. Transportation is essential to the economy, trade and prosperity of every state. In Iowa, roads, bridges and waterways are fundamental to moving our agricultural products, manufacturing goods and people. Investing in infrastructure should be responsible and sustainable so any solution isn’t temporary.
President Trump has had many victories abroad, from persuading NATO member states to increase their military spending to largely decimating ISIS and putting Iran back on its heels. The president’s vocal support for freedom and liberty in countries like Venezuela have put dictators on notice and getting North Korea to end its nuclear missile testing has made the world a safer place. Continuing to equip the nation’s armed forces with the resources needed to effectively defend the country should be an area of agreement between Republicans and Democrats in Congress and the Administration.
President Trump has had many successes since taking office, but there’s always more to do. I look forward to getting back to work for Iowans and for the country.

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