Des Moines, IA – Today, Iowa’s Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Joni Ernst, released her first ad of the general election, titled “Values.”

The new ad highlights the desperate, negative and false campaign Bruce Braley has undertaken from day one of this important general election matchup. It closes with Joni Ernst making the case for the need for more Iowa Values to clean up Washington.

Joni Ernst’s spokesperson, Gretchen Hamel, stated: “Instead of misleading Iowans, Bruce Braley should be explaining why he supports and has voted for policies that hurt Iowans in every corner of the state.” Hamel continued by saying, “Bruce Braley has been a rubber stamp for President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s big government policies – carrying their water on Obamacare, cap and trade, higher taxes, and increased government spending. The choice is clear – do Iowans want more of the failed Washington Way – Bruce Braley’s way – or someone like Joni Ernst who will represent them and their Iowa values?”

The ad will begin airing tomorrow on broadcast and cable in key markets across Iowa.

Full Script of “Values” Ad:

Washington politician Bruce Braley is already running a dirty campaign.

He insults farmers. His ads? Called sexist. He even mocked Chuck Grassley for not having a law degree.

The press call Braley’s attacks elitist, false, misleading.

Don’t believe the false attacks. I’m Joni Ernst and I approve this message, because I may not have a law degree, but I’ve got something Washington needs a whole lot more: Iowa values.

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