(Des Moines, IA) With Congressman Bruce Braley, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama in agreement that this election is a referendum on the President and his policies, the Republican Party of Iowa released the following web video.

 “Congressman Braley, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are all singing the same tune, which is this election is a referendum on the President’s policies,” said Republican Party of Iowa spokesman Jahan Wilcox. “If you support ObamaCare, amnesty for illegal immigrants or EPA regulations against farmers, then the best way thank President Obama is to support his handpicked candidate Congressman Braley.”


Congressman Braley Voted For ObamaCare. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #165: Motion agreed to, thus clearing the bill for the president 219-212: R 0-178; D 219-34, 3/21/10, Braley Voted Yea)

Congressman Braley Voted Against A Bill That Would Prevent President Obama From Issuing An Executive Order Declaring Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants. “Passage of the bill that would bar any federal agency from issuing, after July 30, 2014, policies that would expand the number of immigrants eligible for deferred action, the 2012 executive memorandum on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, unless explicitly authorized by law — effectively blocking deportation relief from being provided to any additional illegal immigrants. It also would prohibit the federal government from newly authorizing deferred action for any class of immigrants who do not have lawful immigration status.” (H.R. 5272, CQ Vote #479: Passed 216-192: R 212-11; D 4-181, 8/1/14, Braley Voted Nay)

Congressman Braley Said That It Would Be “Irresponsible For Me” To Exempt Farms From Emissions Limits “Without Knowing More About What We Are Attempting To Exempt.” “Citing the large size of modern livestock operations, Braley said it would be ‘irresponsible for me at this point in time’ to support protecting farms from emission reductions ‘without knowing more about what we are attempting to exempt.’” (Philip Brasher, “Braley Says Congress Eager For Carbon Emission Controls,” The Des Moines Register, 12/23/08)

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