Obama-Netanyahu-1(Washington, DC) RNC Chairman Reince Priebus issued the following statement in response to new reports that the Obama administration is denigrating our ally Israel. Administration officials have been quoted calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “chickensh**.”

“ISIS is on a rampage through the Middle East, slaughtering innocents and committing mass murder while plotting to kill more Americans. The priority of the Obama administration should be defeating our enemies; instead they are once again insulting our allies. It’s inexplicable and dangerous.

“This administration consistently gets it wrong on foreign policy. Instead of taking the ISIS threat seriously, President Obama called them the “JV” team. Now, instead of working with our allies in the region to protect democracy and innocent lives, the administration is hurling expletives at Prime Minister Netanyahu.

“Americans should not accept this. We should never betray our ally Israel. We need a foreign policy that is focused, not fumbling. The country is increasingly concerned about our national security, yet the administration is not inspiring confidence. Our country deserves better. Republicans will continue to work to keep this country safe. That means respecting our allies, going after our enemies, protecting our homeland, and supporting our veterans and men and women in uniform.”

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