10646625_1490417567884946_3300198161192135681_n(Ankeny, IA) Ankeny parents establish a group dedicated to advancing excellence in student education hosts first informational forum on Iowa Core (Common Core).

What is Iowa Core (Common Core)?

How Will It Impact Education in Ankeny?

When:  November 15, Saturday, 12:00 to 1:30 pm

Where:  Ankeny Kirkendall Library, 1210 NW Prairie Ridge in Ankeny, IA.

Guest speaker: Shane Vander Hart of Iowa RestorEd

Shane Vander Hart founded Iowans for Local Control in 2012 which later merged with Iowa RestorEd (IowaRestorEd.com). Shane also is the founder and editor-in-chief of Caffeinated Thoughts (CaffeinatedThoughts.com). He is an author at Truth in American Education (TruthinAmericanEducation.com) and works with American Principles Project (AmericanPrinciplesProject.org).

Ankeny for Student Achievement is a concerned group of citizens from Ankeny committed to working together with parents, teachers and the district administration to ensure the students of Ankeny receive the very best education through creating awareness of critical education issues, retaining local decision making of our education and ensuring a positive environment for the education of our children.

One of co-founders and leader of Ankeny for Student Achievement, Steve Boesen said, “We have several issues standing in the way of Ankeny students receiving the very best education that can be provided to them. We want to work with the school board, teachers and school district to solve these problems. All while informing parents and the community about these issues.  We cannot afford to settle for good enough.”

“Like” our Community Page: www.facebook.com/Ankeny4SA

“Join” our Group Page: www.facebook.com/groups/Ankeny4SA/

Email: Ankeny4SA@gmail.com

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