Democrats on the Federal Election Committee recently called for new rules on internet based campaigning.  “A reexamination of the commission’s approach to the internet and other emerging technologies is long overdue,” said FEC Vice Chair Ann Ravel. According to the Washington Examiner, FEC Chairman Lee Goodman said that if regulation extends as far as Ravel is suggesting, “anybody who writes a political blog, runs a politically active news site or even a chat room could be regulated.” This idea is a complete disaster. Websites like our own are the last bastion of truly free political expression. Regardless of what your politics may be, you do not want the government regulating more speech than it already does.

This is Brian Myers of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

Remember you can listen to Caffeinated Thoughts Radio on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines/Ames Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also we are on iTunes!

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