Rob Bell and Oprah Winfrey on "Super Soul Sunday."
Rob Bell and Oprah Winfrey on “Super Soul Sunday.”

Rob Bell, a one time mega-church pastor, has apparently found a new calling. Bell now lives in L.A., and now has a TV show on the Oprah Winfrey Network. He doesnā€™t attend an organized church anymore, although he does conduct ā€œretreatsā€ where he teaches people how to surf and how to read the Bible.

Bell was once the darling of many in Evangelicalism until he embraced universalism and denied the reality of Hell. Since then, heā€™s moved further and further away from Christian orthodoxy, and now says that Oprah ā€œā€¦has taught me more about what Jesus has for all of us, and what kind of life Jesus wants us to live, more than almost anybody in my life.ā€ Friends, if you see or hear ANYTHING from this guy, do yourself a favor and run!

This is Brian Myers with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

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