Photo credit: Uber
Photo credit: Uber
Photo credit: Uber

(Des Moines, IA) The Iowa chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the state’s foremost grassroots advocate for policies that promote entrepreneurship and consumer choice, responded to the Des Moines city council’s proposed rideshare regulations. The rules have been called the most draconian in the nation and would hamper job creation and restrict options for consumers in the city.

“Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft are creating jobs and expanding consumer choice across the nation,” explained Drew Klein, AFP’s Iowa State Director. “Des Moines should welcome these entrepreneurial ventures and the new jobs they will bring to the area. Consumers, not busybody bureaucrats and politicians, should decide whether rideshare is the best option for them. In hundreds of other towns, they’ve already spoken and decided that rideshare provides an affordable, efficient, and safe means of transportation. It’s time for Des Moines to stop wasting time and focus on real concerns.”

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