Des Moines City Council Moves a Step Closer to a Racial Profiling Ban

The Des Moines City Council approved the first consideration of a ban on racial profiling by police by a 7 to 0 vote, they will consider it again on June 22.

Des Moines City Council Tables Gun Control Measures

The Des Moines City Council unanimously agreed to table a measure that would restrict high-capacity magazines and trigger activators if passed.

Des Moines Seeks to Infringe on Gun Owners’ Rights

Donald Bohlken: The Des Moines City Councilā€™s proposed “high capacity” gun magazine bans is unconstitutional, illegal, and harmful.

Des Moines Should Welcome Entrepreneurship, Not Stifle It

Americans for Prosperity – Iowa said that the Des Moines City Council instead of proposing draconian measures that stifle entrepreneurship should welcome it.