A right that even Christian bakers should have.
A right that even Christian bakers should have.
A right that even Christian bakers should have.

Here is an interesting story I read over the weekend.  Does a double standard exist among LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) owned businesses?  Blogger Theodore Shoebat wanted to find out if LGBT-owned bakeries would exercise the same type of “tolerance” from a Christian seeking to have a traditional marriage message put on a cake as they expect from Christian bakeries when they call.

As you can expect, not so much.  Shoebat.com writes:

So Shoebat.com called some 13 prominent bakers who are pro-gay and requested that they make a pro-traditional marriage cake with the words “Gay marriage is wrong” placed on the cake. Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it.

Here are the videos of his calls or you can watch below.  (Warning there is vulgar language)


Now, unlike LGBT activists, I support the right of these bakeries to deny service, I just wished they would reciprocate with Christian bakers, florists, etc.  These bakeries cited that this message was something they were against, it was contrary to what they were working towards, etc.  So how do they think Christian bakers feel when asked to decorate a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony?  It appears they don’t want to live under the same rules that they have foisted on others.

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