roger-olsonDr. Roger Olson of Baylor University recently said that Calvinism was ā€œa tautology that doesnā€™t have any meaning at all except that God is God and God does things and they are automatically good because God does them.ā€ He goes on to say that ā€œCalvinism makes God the author of sin and evil.ā€ Itā€™s hard to know where to start in response to such an offensive and false characterization. It would seem that Dr. Olson has a big problem with the justice of God as revealed in the book of Romans. You see Olsonā€™s disagreement isnā€™t really with John Calvin, itā€™s with the Apostle Paul. For the matter of that, itā€™s with the whole of Scripture, which plainly reveals the Sovereignty of our God.

This is Brian Myers of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

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