Proving once again that the GOP is able to thwart itself over even the tiniest incrementalism in it’s supposed battle to protect unborn children, US House Republicans withdrew it’s ill-conceived ban on “pain-capable” abortions amidst disagreement on how not to protect the 1% of babies of born to rape victims. They did pass a bill that attempts to keep abortions from being done at taxpayer’s expense.
The original bill had so many flaws, it is a wonder that pro-life legislators and pro-life groups could support it:
1. To define killing by the pain of the victims has all kinds of ramification for other pro-life concerns. Liberal legislators, for example seem anxious to proffer bills to allow assisted suicide and euthanasia. They could easily use as a wedge issue that their potential victims won’t feel any pain with their deaths – in fact, many would be ending the pain of their victims. while killing them.
It is not fact-based, but emotion based law. Like the worthless Partial-Birth Abortion ban passed in the George Bush administration, it leaves untold millions to die because their deaths didn’t meet the “gruesome” standard.
2. When touting this bill, it was seen as a great pro-life victory, yet it only protected about 1.5% of abortion victims, then allowed abortionists to police their own decisions about how far along the baby had developed. Children of rape victims account for about 1% of all abortions.
3. It allows pro-abortion politicians to call themselves “pro-life.” It allows pro-lifers to feel good about themselves because they “broke monumental ground”
4. It puts symbolism over substance. Here is how one House member put it:
“I was fine with the bill either way because the important thing for me as a pro-life person is to make a very strong pro-life statement today with the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the march of life here in town today,” said Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C. “I’m proud of the leadership for bringing to the floor a bill that we can all rally behind.”
I recently posted on my Facebook wall a picture of a poisonous viper and this quote by Harriet Tubman: “Never wound a snake: kill it”. Abortion is a snake.