Caffeinated Thoughts had the opportunity to ask former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), who is president of the Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action, what he and his organization are looking for in terms of a presidential candidate for 2016.  DeMint was present for the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines, IA last Saturday.

“We are looking for someone who really believes in conservative principles,” DeMint told Caffeinated Thoughts. “Those ideas that build on the success of the past.  That make the country better and create opportunity for all.  That’s what we’re looking for.  Not only someone who believes it, but someone who can communicate it in a way that wins the hearts and minds of the American people.”

DeMint said he’s pushing for energy independence and educational opportunity to be a part of the discussion in 2016.  He also sees Common Core playing a role in the race.

“I think it will be big because it is symbolic of central control in Washington when everything that is working in America, well I won’t say everything, but most things that are working well are happening at the state level,” DeMint said.

You can watch the video here or below.

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