Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event - 11/22/14. Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event – 11/22/14.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

The Southern Poverty Law Center that actually once upon a time did good work fighting the Ku Klux Klan once again beclowned itself by putting Dr. Ben Carson in its “extremist files.”  Why?  Because he, like many other Americans disagree with the homosexual agenda to change the definition of marriage.

They write:

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson rapidly ascended as a far-right political star after publicly scolding President Obama, whom he sat a few feet away from, at a National Prayer Breakfast in February 2013. Carson’s reproach of Obama for his health care and tax policies went viral, unleashing a flood of adulation from right-wing media and hate groups. Carson’s own story as an “up by the bootstraps” black man reared in poverty translated into an inspiring, magnetic narrative that captured media attention. Soon he was appearing as the keynoter at a rash of right-wing and hate group gatherings, linking gays with pedophiles, comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany and endorsing biblical economic practices for 21st century America. A movement to draft Carson as a presidential candidate took off in 2014, raising more than $7 million by June, according to its website. Carson has coyly declined to say whether he would run as a Republican or on a third-party ticket, but media interviews suggest that he is increasingly willing to run on some ticket.

Regarding his linkage of gays  with pedophiles
 Here is the quote they refer to.  Carson is interviewing with Sean Hannity on Fox News on March 26, 2013.  Carson says, “Marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Association, a group advocating pedophilia], be they people who believe in bestiality—it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.”

Did he call all homosexuals pedophiles?  No.  Can SPLC with a straight face honestly say that a member of NAMBLA is not gay?  Isn’t being gay same-sex attraction regardless of age?  Obviously there are heterosexual pedophiles.  That isn’t what he’s talking about however.

What he’s saying is you can’t change the definition of marriage whether you want to marry a person of the same sex, a child or an animal.  You can also throw in bigamists in there as well.

People who actually have common sense would understand this.  I know he’s accused of linking all three things.  Well in the mind of a Christian all three acts would be considered sinful.  I highly doubt he was thinking in terms of the other two groups participating in illegal behavior.  Most Christians (granted not all) I know would prefer the government not play the role of big brother in the bedroom unless that act victimizes someone.  We see changing the definition of marriage differently however.

Dr. Carson explains his comments on CNN a couple nights later.

The best choice of words? Probably not and Carson states as much.

Southern Poverty Law Center has listed groups like American Family Association and Family Research Council with Westboro Baptist Church.  Sane people can note the difference between the organizations.  Carson, David Barton, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, and David Lane of the American Family Association are listed with the late Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church.

They are also listed along with neo-Nazis, white supremacists, anti-Semites – real hate groups.

Does a prominent neurosurgeon who has experienced racial discrimination in his lifetime really that extreme that he belongs on a list with like this because he is against same-sex marriage?  Evidently so.

Update: SPLC “apologizes” to Ben Carson.

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