Photo credit: Patrick Cardinal (CC-By-2.0)
Photo credit: Patrick Cardinal (CC-By-2.0)
Photo credit: Patrick Cardinal (CC-By-2.0)

(Washington, DC) Congressman Rod Blum (R-Iowa) released the following statement regarding his role as the Republican lead on Congresswoman Gwen Graham’s (D-Florida) bill to eliminate taxpayer-funded first class flights and long term personal vehicle leases for members of Congress:

“This is not a partisan issue: members of Congress don’t need taxpayer funded perks like first class travel and long term car leases to do their job. America’s founders never intended for public servants to live a life of luxury paid for by everyday Americans. That’s why I’ve made it a high priority to back legislation which reforms Congress and ensures good stewardship of U.S. taxpayer dollars.”

[Tweet “.@RepRodBlum: “Members of Congress don’t need taxpayer funded perks””]

Blum has supported numerous other measures to reform Congress in his first nine weeks in office, including co-sponsoring legislation on enacting term limits, prohibiting members’ automatic pay increases, and eliminating Congressional pensions

Rod Blum is the Republican Congressman in Iowa’s 1st District. He is a member of the Budget and Oversight & Government Reform Committees.

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