nancie-atwellNancie Atwell, a teacher since 1973 and founder of the Center for Teaching & Learning in Edgecomb, ME over the weekend won the Varkey Foundation’s first Global Teacher Prize that comes with $1 million.  It is intended to become a “Nobel Prize” of sorts for teachers.

She was interviewed on CNN’s New Day this morning because of winning the prize and announcing she was giving it to her school.  Toward the end of the short segment Alisyn Camerota asked, “What do you say to kids who are growing up that may want to consider teaching?”

Her reply was rather unexpected I’m sure.

“Honestly, right now I encourage them to look in the private sector,” she stated.

She was asked why.  “Because public school teachers are so constrained right now by the Common Core standards and the tests that are developed to monitor what teachers are doing with them,” she answered.

“It is a movement that has turned teachers into technicians, not reflective practitioners.  And if you are a creative, smart young person I don’t think this is the time to go into teaching unless an independent school would suit you,” Atwell added.

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