Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Buzzfeed is recycling a 13-year old story about a lawsuit Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) threatened to file against the one-time owner of MikeHuckabee.com. The site was at once used as a sham to draw in searches for Mike Huckabee and then “lower the boom”with half-baked stories about the then Arkansas Governor.
Cyber-squatting was not allowed then, nor is it allowed now, The matter must have been settled because that site is now used to support for Huckabee.
Rick Santorum had a similar problem when a site was able to get Google search engines to find their vile website as the first result on a search for Senator Santorum. That has been solved also, I think.
Let the campaigns begin, let the lies fly, too.