Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)
Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)
Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)

(Washington, DC) This morning the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) slammed Senate Democrats for threatening to block S. 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, because the legislation contains the Hyde Amendment. The bill previously passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a unanimous vote.

“Democrats once again are putting abortion ideology first. The Hyde Amendment, which stops taxpayer dollars from going to fund elective abortion, has been a part of this legislation since January. Nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion on-demand,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.  “Minority Leader Reid is ignoring history and carelessly throwing victims of human trafficking under the bus in order to cater to the abortion industry. This is abortion politics at its worst and the most vulnerable among us – women and unborn children alike – deserve better.”

According to a January 2015 Knights of Columbus/Marist poll, Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion by a margin of 68 percent to 28 percent, with millennials opposing it 71 percent to 28 percent. There is no difference in opinion on the issue between women and men. Women oppose taxpayer funding of abortion 69 percent to 28 percent, while men oppose it at a rate of 69 percent to 30 percent.

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