Former Arkansas Governor and 2008 Iowa Caucus winner Mike Huckabee released a video today addressing a hot issue in foreign policy – Islamic terrorism.  This is a second in a series of video released by Huckabee.

Huckabee said, “When you’re dealing with Islamic jihad, that has as its goal the annihilation of everyone who does not agree with their absolute religious fanaticism, you’re dealing with a rattlesnake…As a kid growing up in south Arkansas, one thing I learned about rattlesnakes, you don’t try to get in their head and figure out why they want to bite you. You don’t try to have a conversation with them. You don’t negotiate with them. You sure as heck don’t feed them. You take their heads off with a four ten shotgun or a hoe before they bite you—because the one thing that you can be sure of is that snake will bite you if he can.”

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