Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) at Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner<br>Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) at Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced the formation of an exploratory committee to assist him in deciding whether to seek the Republican Party nomination for President.

Speaking about the committee launch, Governor Jindal said in a released statement:

For some time now, my wife Supriya and I have been thinking and praying about whether to run for the Presidency of our great nation. We’ll make a final decision in June, after the legislative session in Louisiana ends.

If I run, my candidacy will be based on the idea that the American people are ready to try a dramatically different direction.  Not a course correction, but a dramatically different path.

President Obama has started to redefine the American Dream, turning it into the European Nightmare. Because of this, I believe our country is in serious trouble and that the hour is late for America. Economic collapse is much closer to the door than people realize, our culture is decaying at a rapid rate, and our standing in a dangerous world is at an all-time low.

However, the problems caused by 7 years of weak leadership and mistakes in the Obama administration can be corrected. But they won’t be fixed by just sending Republicans to Congress.  It will only be fixed by a President who is willing to make hard decisions and who has the ideas to change our country’s future.

While other Republican leaders are talking about change, I’ve published detailed plans to repeal and replace Obamacare, rebuild America’s Defenses, make America energy independent, and reform Education for our nation’s children.

So today I’m announcing the launch of an exploratory committee, which will help me to decide whether to seek our party’s nomination.

The Exploratory Committee can be found at

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