Ernst-HarleyU.S. Senator Joni Ernst’s “Jobs, Opportunity, and New Ideas” PAC announced that elected leaders from across the state will join declared and potential presidential candidates at the event to be held at the Central Iowa Expo in Boone on June 6th.

Newly confirmed speakers include Governor Terry Branstad, Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Chuck Grassley, Congressmen Steve King and Congressman David Young.

“We are just weeks away from the Roast and Ride and I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be joined by so many of our great leaders across Iowa. It’s going to be a great afternoon filled with family-friendly fun, as well as discussions about new ideas to grow our economy and other issues that Iowans want to hear more about,” Ernst said.

Previously, Ernst announced that Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker would be speaking at the event as well.

Prior to the Roast, Ernst will lead a motorcycle ride with veterans and patriots from Big Barn Harley Davidson in Des Moines to the Central Iowa Expo site. At the Roast, attendees will be treated to a pork roast, entertainment and speeches. Doors open at 11:30AM, with riders anticipated to arrive by 1PM. The official program will begin shortly after the arrival of the motorcycles.


Tickets to the Roast and Ride are $30 for adults and $12 for children (12 and under).  BBQ, beverages, parking and entertainment are included in the price of admission.   Additional details will be released as the event approaches.

Tickets can be purchased at and motorcycles are available for rent to licensed riders by contacting Big Barn Harley Davidson in Des Moines or Zylstra Harley Davidson in Ames.

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