Barack_Obama_on_phone_with_Benjamin_Netanyahu_2009-06-08_thumb.jpgPresident Barack Obama yesterday said that he may go back to community organizing when he leaves the White House on January 20, 2017.

Bloomberg Politics reports:

The most powerful man in the world wants to return to community organizing after he hands over the keys to the White House in 2017, he told middle-school students at a public library in Washington’s Anacostia neighborhood today.

 “I’ll be done being president in a couple of years and I’ll still be a pretty young man,” he said. “And so I’ll go back to doing the kinds of work I was doing before, just trying to find ways to help people.”

Obama, who will be 55 years old when he leaves office in 2017, said his post-presidential agenda includes helping children get educations and better access to the job market, and luring businesses into low-income neighborhoods. Just out of college, he worked on Chicago’s South Side as a community organizer, a career choice that earned him much derision from conservative quarters.

“That’s the kind of work that I really love to do,” he said, after one child asked what inspired him to seek the presidency.

When did he actually stop?  He certainly hasn’t played the part of a Commander-in-Chief for the last six years.  Also I wonder if he plans to do this in Hawaii.  I just don’t see him going back to Chicago.

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