Jeb Bush taking a question at a campaign event in Pella, IA.

(Pella, IA) Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush held a town hall style stop in at the Molengracht Plaza on Wednesday evening.  This was the second stop during his first visit to Iowa after announcing his candidacy for President.  He stopped in Washington, IA in the morning.  Bush was introduced by State Senator Ken Rizer (R-Cedar Rapids) and spoke for just over 14 minutes.  He then took questions for 45 minutes from the audience of approximately 200 people gathered.

Bush said government growth should not surpass personal economic growth.  He discussed his record in Florida with cutting spending, and education reform.  During the Q&A he discussed immigration reform and was well received by those present.

“I don’t think eleven million people living in the shadows is appropriate in this great country. I think what we ought to do is stop ignoring the problem and fix the legal immigration system.” Bush stated and then added, “as it relates to those that have been here illegally, there ought to be a path to earned legal status.”

Bush also explained the use of his Jeb! logo saying that he was not trying to hide the Bush name.  He said that has been his logo for every campaign he has run.  When highlighting his education reform record he discussed the landmark voucher program the state of Florida launched for special needs children.  While not mentioning Common Core by name he alluded to them during a question about education.

“Let me be clear on what the Federal government should be doing on the K-12 side – very little or nothing.  The federal government should have no say in the creation of standards, content or curriculum indirectly or directly over and out and if this isn’t passed in a reauthorization of the K-12 law the next president can do this by executive order and then get the reauthorization done and I would do that,” Bush stated.

Bush has an uphill climb in Iowa currently in 5th place according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls behind Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and U.S. Senator Rand Paul.

Watch his remarks here or below:

Watch his Q&A here or below:

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