carly-fiorina-pro-life-leadershipFormer Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina released a video responding to the two videos that have now been released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood Federation of America senior staff involved in harvesting baby body parts, allegedly for profit.

Fiorina made her statement standing with pro-life leaders Rev. Dean Nelson of the Frederick Douglass Foundation & Online for Life, Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List, Catherine Davis of The Restoration Project & National Black Pro-Life Coalition, Dr. Charmaine Yoast of Americans United for Life, and Pastor Wayne and Lori Hoye of the Issues4Life Foundation.

“These pro-life leaders are standing with me today to decry the moral depravity we have seen now from Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t matter whether you think you are pro-choice or pro-life. Every woman, every man has to look at these videos and think what has gone wrong in our nation. The hypocrisy of telling women over and over again that their unborn children are not life, and yet talking calmly about how to preserve the organs of that life to save another life. The cruelty of denying women over and over again ultrasounds so they can see the life they carry within them, and yet using that same technology to make sure that organs are preserved so that they can be presumably sold to save others,” Fiorina said.

“This is a terrible moment, and it is maybe even more terrible by the absolute deafening silence of the Democratic Party. Democrats have always fought for a policy that says ‘it is not a life until it leaves the hospital.’ Hillary Clinton has fought to preserve that policy. We now have a moment in this nation to take some real action here. We can decide, finally, to defund Planned Parenthood, and the Senate can decide as well to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” Fiorina added.

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