donald-trump-des-moines-press-conference(Des Moines, IA) Real estate magnate and Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a press conference at the East Des Moines Girls Softball complex.  Trump landed in his helicopter which he later used to give children helicopter rides.  He also attended the Iowa State Fair which was nearby.

Trump went on the offensive with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

He called Jeb Bush a puppet to his donors.  “He has got lobbyists, I know them. He has made statements over the last couple of days that are incredible trying to change to justify the war in Iraq.  It can’t be justified. And then he said, ‘skin the game,’ I don’t know if you saw his recent statement, but he said that the United States has to prove to Iraq that we have skin the game. We have spent two trillion dollars, thousands of lives lost, wounded warriors who I love all over the place and he said we have to prove we have skin in the game. I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I’ve ever heard.  Skin in the game? We don’t have to prove anything,” Trump stated.

“First of all the Iraqi officials are a bunch of crooks, if there is even an Iraq, which I don’t think there is. Iran is taking over Iraq. It is one of the dumbest things ever.  I think what happened, because I understand psychology, I think his brother said ‘hey you’re killing me.’ That was his war and he looks very bad so Jeb Bush tried to push back, but when he said we have to prove to Iraq that we have skin in the game when we lost all of those lives and all of that money I think he should apologize to the families of the people (who lost their lives),” Trump added.

Bush last Friday during a Soapbox speech at the Iowa State Fair was challenged by an attendee to answer for his brother former President George W. Bush’s role in the war.  Bush replied in part, “First of all, the Iraqis want our help. They want to know that we have skin in the game, that we’re committed to this.”

Watch his entire press conference below:

Watch video of his helicopter landing below:

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