Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (

On 60 Minutes Sunday, Donald Trump said he supports a new federal entitlement program to give free government funded health care to every American.

Trump described his health care reform plan on 60 Minutes:

Scott Pelley: Universal health care.

Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?

Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it….

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal labeled Donald Trump’s plan “Trumpcare.”

“In other words, Trump agrees with Obama and Clinton on the government takeover of health care, he agrees with Obama and Clinton on the need for socialized medicine,” Jindal said. “Policy disagreements are part of politics of course.  But this is not just some random policy difference.  This is a basic question of whether we as a country will continue the Obama slide toward government dependence, or whether we as a country will embrace personal freedom and responsibility.”

“Trump has of course endorsed socialized medicine in the past, but in the past he has also endorsed abortion, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, and every other liberal thing you can think of.  It was good of Trump to reaffirm his support for the government takeover of health care for Republican primary voters.   This will likely accelerate Trump’s downward slide in the polls,” Jindal added.

Jindal’s campaign says he is the only candidate to have released a health care reform plan which can be found here.

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