Fiorina at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition 2015 Spring Kick-Off<br>Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Fiorina at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition 2015 Spring Kick-Off
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

Carly Fiorina during an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday said that the denial by Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky, of marriage licenses to same-sex couples is “inappropriate.”

“First, I think that we must protect religious liberties with great passion and be willing to expend a lot of political capital to do so now because it’s clear religious liberty is under assault in many, many ways.  Having said that, when you are a government employee, I think you take on a different role.  When you are a government employee as opposed to say, an employee of another kind of organization, then in essence, you are agreeing to act as an arm of the government.  And, while I disagree with this court’s decision, their actions are clear.  And so I think in this particular case.  This woman now needs to make a decision that’s conscious – is she prepared to continue to work for the government, be paid for by the government in which case she needs to execute the government’s will, or does she feel so strongly about this that she wants to severe her employment with the government and go seek employment elsewhere where her religious liberties would be paramount over her duties as as government employee,” Fiorina said.

Hewitt followed up by asking Fiorina “you don’t counsel she continue her civil disobedience?”

“Given the role that she’s playing.  Given the fact that the government is paying her salary, I think that is not appropriate.  Now that’s my personal opinion.  Others may disagree with that, but I think it’s a very different situation for her than someone in a hospital who’s asked to perform an abortion or someone at a florist who’s asked to serve a gay wedding.  I think when you’re a government employee, you are put into a different position honestly,” Fiorina answered.

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