donald-trump-club-for-growth-ad-screenshotClub for Growth this week launched an advertising campaign targeting the Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. The group is dumping $1 million in Iowa in an attempt to derail the real estate tycoon’s campaign.  They are releasing two 30 second ads that will air on broadcast, cable, and satellite television in Iowa, and on digital platforms.

“Donald Trump is the worst Republican candidate on economic issues,” said Club for Growth president David McIntosh. “It’s astonishing that he’s even running as a Republican. Trump is the most liberal candidate on fiscal policy in the whole field, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders. His angry style may reflect the deep frustration Americans have with Washington leaders who have failed to keep their promises. But the policies he’d implement would benefit himself and his own interests, not the American people. That makes him the worst kind of politician.

“Club for Growth Action is committed to exposing Trump for the liberal he is on taxes, trade, health care, and eminent domain. These ads let Trump speak for himself, about his Democrat core and his full support for giving government the power to take private property and give it to corporations.”

Trump responded on Twitter this morning:

Watch the ads below.  Club for Growth provides citations for their ads here and here.

This is the first salvo of what will probably be an all out assault on Trump by third party groups and Super PACs as the Iowa Caucus draws near.

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