Syrian Refugees at a railway station in Budapest, HungaryPhoto credit: Rebecca Harms (CC-By-SA 2.0)
Syrian Refugees at a railway station in Budapest, Hungary
Photo credit: Rebecca Harms (CC-By-SA 2.0)

Politicians across the country are calling for America to take in Syrian refugees. The Obama administration, Democratic candidates for President, Democratic members of Congress and probably the biggest RINO in the Republican Party, Lindsey Graham, are all calling for taking in Syrian refugees. Now I still believe taking in refugees is a very humane thing to do, but taking Syrians and moving them to suburbia America is a terrible idea. The region much like Iraq is still very tribal in their way of life. But more importantly who are we getting, who are they loyal to, and are they a danger to us?

The obvious problem children from Syria will be Al Qaeda, ISIS and their sympathizers. Running short of hard core fighters they could be the people leaving that area in droves because the Russians have joined Asaad’s forces fighting on the streets. These groups or their sympathizers obviously should not receive American asylum. Also, Syria harbors old remnants of Saddam’s Baathist party who fled Iraq. Taking in anyone affiliated with these groups could put Americans at home at risk.

Who else is fleeing Syria? Asaad sympathizers who have been over-run by ISIS and other groups America has armed like Al Qaeda affiliates are leaving the area.  These are the people whose government we are trying to topple and arming terrorists to do so. Let that sink in for a minute, why on earth are we supposed to believe that a people who still have ill feelings about the crusades are willing to turn the other cheek now? Especially when their religion/law says they don’t have to? Assad sympathizers most likely will not be model Americans and some will probably try to do us harm.

So let’s pretend for a moment that there are people who haven’t aligned themselves with radical groups in the region or Asaad. (I say pretend because I don’t know of any truly “neutral” factions in the area.) But let’s make believe there are still neutral people or parties in the area that could use some help just to entertain the liberal fantasy. Americans show how compassionate we can be and assist their transition to America. The war continues. The Russians eventually leave either voluntarily or are forced out by ISIS and then America gets more involved. We start bombing the area and civilians are killed. Say some of those civillians were relatives of our new refugees. Will those refugees go “Tsarnaev brothers” on us?  I am not confident that wouldn’t happen.

I could be completely wrong and I hope for our sakes I am since the President already has unilaterally decided to bring in 10,000 refugees. This is a lot like predicting the weather, but no matter which direction I turn the conditions look right to be bring in people who will do harm to Americans. America, listen to your veterans who have already dealt with these types of people and don’t blindly follow your out of touch elected officials.

Disclosure: This writer supports Rand Paul’s candidacy for President.

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