IMG_2454(Waukee, IA) Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) shared with the small group of Iowans who attended the Des Moines Jewish Federation’s Presidential Speaker Series Monday night his foreign policy credentials.  In a meeting moderated by Dennis Goldfold, a professor of political science at Drake University, Santorum discussed radical Islam, his strategy on ISIS and Iran, how he would handle immigration policy, what he is looking for in a vice presidential pick, Obamacare, and why Iowans shouldn’t be concerned about his current poll numbers.

Because of the current threats that the United States faces Santorum stressed that the presidency is not an entry-level position.  He said that Iowans should vote for a candidate who has experience and knowledge about the existing threat which he believes will be even worse by January of 2017.

Watch his remarks and Q&A time below:

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