Ted Cruz speaking at CPAC 2015.Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Ted Cruz speaking at CPAC 2015.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

Cruz for President today announced that longtime Iowa political activist, and well-respected Republican leader, Loras Schulte, has formally resigned from the Iowa GOP State Central Committee to publicly endorse and support Ted Cruz for President.

“I’ve been actively involved in Republican politics for more than thirty years, serving in nearly every capacity one can be involved in; from local committee-man to County Chairman, to serving on the State Central Committee,” Schulte said. He also served as the State Director for Pat Buchanan’s Presidential Campaign in 1996 and for Gary Bauer in 2000.

Leading up to this current election cycle, each member of the Iowa Republican State Central Committee pledged not to endorse any candidate for President. According to Schulte, “In order to honor my pledge not to openly support or endorse a presidential candidate while sitting on the State Central Committee of the Iowa Republican Party, I resigned my position effective November 18.”

He continued, “It’s not just our country that finds itself in difficult times, for the world is ablaze in a manner not seen in decades. I believe Ted Cruz represents the best chance we have to restore not only what is great about America, but of providing the leadership the international community is lacking.”

“Loras brings a wealth of institutional knowledge and the sort of personal political network that can make a profound difference in the closing days of a Caucus campaign,” Cruz said. “He knows that when conservatives unite, we win. I appreciate the leadership he has demonstrated during his time on the State Central Committee, and for leading again by stepping down to actively support our campaign.”

In addition to serving in many political positions, Schulte has been actively involved in the pro-life movement in Iowa. He currently serves as a board member of Iowa Right to Life.

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