Rand Paul at the Iowa Faith & Freedom event on 4/25/15.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Rand Paul at the Iowa Faith & Freedom event on 4/25/15.Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Rand Paul at the Iowa Faith & Freedom event on 4/25/15.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

(Des Moines, IA) With less than a week before the Iowa Caucus, Rand Paul for President is steadily climbing towards the ‘March to a Million’ phone banking initiative. As of this evening the Paul campaign has made over 800,000 phone calls to Iowa caucus-goers, an unprecedented organizational feat. 

While the mainstream media and political elite try to discredit the campaign, there is no discounting the solid infrastructure Paul has built in Iowa. With over 800,000 phone calls made and over 1,000 precinct captains committed to caucusing for Sen. Paul they say the campaign will be a force to be reckoned with on February 1st.

The campaign claims that no other campaign has captured the same level of excitement within the grassroots or has utilized student efforts to mobilize the youth vote. No other candidate has a message unique and genuine enough to unite both independents and students with traditional caucus voters. 

“The ground game in Iowa for Rand Paul is unprecedented. We are finding hundreds of new supporters every day that are committing to Caucus for Rand Paul. Even more, the effort is growing day by day. Our March to a Million phone calls is within reach and it will make a big impact on Caucus night,” Steve Grubbs, Chief Iowa Strategist for Rand Paul for President, said.

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