Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign launched today a new ad in Wisconsin that features the state’s governor, Scott Walker, who endorsed Cruz last Tuesday in advance of the Wisconsin Primary.

Walker said in his endorsement that Cruz “is the best-positioned candidate to both win the Republican nomination and defeat Hillary Clinton.” In the ad Walker shares why he’s supporting Cruz for President and urges Wisconsin Republicans to join him in voting for Cruz in Wisconsin’s primary on Tuesday, April 5.

Below is the transcription of the 30 second ad:

Scott Walker: Jobs. Freedom. Security.

That’s what’s at stake, and that’s why I’m supporting Ted Cruz for President.

Ted is a Constitutional conservative.  He’ll challenge the status quo, just like we’ve done in Wisconsin.

And Ted has a real plan to grow jobs and restore opportunity.

On Tuesday, please join me in supporting Ted Cruz – the only conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton and reignite America’s promise.  

Ted Cruz: I’m Ted Cruz, and I approve this message.

Currently Cruz holds a 2.6 point lead over Donald Trump in Real Clear Politics average of polls taken in Wisconsin.

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