Jindal in Mt. Pleasant, IA
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Jindal in Mt. Pleasant, IAPhoto credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Jindal in Mt. Pleasant, IA
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

I respect former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. I do not regret my endorsement of his short-lived presidential campaign. He, rightly, gave a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump’s character and record.  Now that Trump is the presumptive nominee he has decided to vote for Donald Trump, and explained why in a recent op/ed at the Wall Street Journal (paywall).

Jindal wrote in part:

Some of my fellow Republicans have declared they will never, under any circumstances, vote for Donald Trump. They are pessimistic about the party’s chances in November and seem more motivated by long-term considerations. They think devotion to the “anybody but Trump” movement is a principled and courageous stance that will help preserve a remnant of the conservative movement and its credibility, which can then serve as a foundation for renewal.

I sympathize with this perspective, but I am planning to vote for Donald Trump. Why? Because the stakes for my country, not merely my party, are simply too high.

I can sympathize with Jindal’s perspective as well, but I disagree with his choice. What I do appreciate is how Jindal acknowledged the Never Trump crowd, and says he “sympathizes” with our perspective.

This is a far, far more civil approach than what former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee did, he should take notes from Jindal. Jindal’s approach is a far more winsome way to state your case.

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