Chuck Hurley (L), vice president of The FAMiLY Leader, with Skyler Wheeler
Chuck Hurley (L), vice president of The FAMiLY Leader, with Skyler Wheeler
Chuck Hurley (L), vice president of The FAMiLY Leader, with Skyler Wheeler
Chuck Hurley (L), vice president of The FAMiLY Leader, with Skyler Wheeler

(Orange City, IA) The FAMiLY Leader today announced its endorsement of Skyler Wheeler in Iowa House District 4. The FAMiLY Leader is an organization committed to defending Christian conservative values in Iowa and across the nation.

“I am extremely humbled and blessed to receive the support of The FAMiLY Leader,” Wheeler said. “There has been no question throughout this primary which candidate is the strongest Christian conservative. This endorsement reinforces what we’ve known all along.”

Wheeler has vowed to defend religious liberty, defund Planned Parenthood and continue the battle for biblical marriage in Iowa.

“Skyler is the real deal,” said Chuck Hurley, vice president and chief counsel of The FAMiLY Leader. “As an organization we are committed to the Christian ideals that allowed America to become the greatest nation on Earth. We are 100 percent convinced that Skyler is the candidate in this race who will lead on these fundamental issues.”

Wheeler met with Greg Baker (TFL Executive Director), Danny Carroll (TFL Family Advocate) and Hurley in Des Moines during the legislative session. After subsequent conversations, and receiving a perfect score on The FAMiLY Leader candidate questionnaire, there was an obvious need for The FAMiLY Leader to enthusiastically support Wheeler.

“I admire Skyler’s dedication and drive,” Baker said. “It is a real blessing to have someone his age step up and stand for biblical truth. He has displayed a consistent message, true passion for pro-family issues and incredible depth of knowledge on an array of topics. Former Rep. Dwayne Alons served Sioux County courageously – we know Skyler will do the same for years to come.”

The FAMiLY Leader’s endorsement is another significant source of support for Wheeler. Clarice Alons, Dwayne’s widow, and current Rep. John Kooiker have both endorsed Wheeler. Steve Kelly, chairman of the Dordt College Republicans, and Zara Trigg, a high school student and organizer of Sioux County’s Generation Joshua Club, are both future leaders in the Christian conservative movement and have also endorsed Wheeler.

“Our campaign has worked incredibly hard,” Wheeler said. “But we’ve also stayed true to our principles. Our positions on the issues best reflect Sioux County values and these endorsements only cement that as fact. I’m honored to have the support from so many outstanding, inspiring individuals.”

The FAMiLY Leader’s mission is to “strengthen families, by inspiring Christ-like leadership in the home, the church and the government.” Its goals are to transform the culture, impact elections, influence policy and become a model organization other states can follow. Bob Vander Plaats serves as President and CEO.

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