Photo credit: Democratic National Commitee
Photo credit: Democratic National Committee

Delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia today approved the party’s platform that included support for abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, and for the first time it included language support for ending laws that restrict taxpayer money from being used to pay for abortions.

Their platform on pg. 46 reads:

We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming. Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health care information and services, including the “global gag rule” and the Helms Amendment that bars American assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.

They deem any restriction as harmful and thus can drop the false mantra they want abortion to be “safe, legal and rare” rather they want it to be “unsafe, unrestricted, and encouraged.”

The new language contradicts the position previously taken by several Democratic Senators, including Bob Casey, Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp, and Joe Manchin, who have all previously said they oppose forcing taxpayers to fund abortion.

The party is completely out of step with the American people on this issue.

An new Knights of Columbus/Marist poll show that Americans are overwhelmingly against abortions after the 1st trimester and taxpayer funding for the practice. Among the key findings:

  • Though 51 percent of Americans say they are pro-choice, about 8 in 10 Americans support substantial restrictions on abortion (78 percent), and would limit it to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. This number includes 62 percent of those who identify as pro-choice, 85 percent of African Americans and 84 percent of Latinos.
  • Taxpayer funding for abortion is opposed by 62 percent of Americans. This includes 65 percent of African Americans, 61 percent of Latinos, and 45 percent of those who say they are pro-choice, as well as 84 percent of Republicans, 61 percent of Independents and 44 percent of Democrats.
  • Concerning the recent Supreme Court decision, Nearly 8 in 10 Americans (78 percent) want abortion clinics to be held to the same standards as other outpatient surgery centers. This includes 77 percent of African Americans and 82 percent of Latinos, as well as 77 percent of women, and 84 percent of millennials. About three quarters of those who identify as pro-choice (74 percent) agree, as do strong majorities regardless of party affiliation.
  • In addition, 70 percent of Americans want doctors who perform abortions to be required to have hospital admitting privileges. This includes 71 percent of women, 77 percent of millennials, and 78 percent of Latinos, Pro-life and pro-choice adherents are also equally likely to support such a requirement at a rate of 7 in 10 for each group (71 percent).
  • And by almost 20 points, a majority of Americans (56 percent to 37 percent) do not believe that healthcare providers should be forced to perform abortions against their conscience or religious beliefs. This includes 6 in 10 Latinos (61 percent) and 4 in 10 who identify as pro-choice (41 percent).

“The Americans people have spoken clearly on their desire for abortion restrictions, less taxpayer funding of it, and common sense regulations on this industry to protect women’s health,” Carl Anderson, a supreme officer with the Knights of Columbus, said. “Our courts, politicians, candidates and parties should heed this consensus.”

“The majority of Americans in favor of abortion restrictions has been consistently around 8 in 10 for the better part of a decade,” said Barbara Carvalho, director of the Marist Poll. “Though self-identification as pro-life or pro-choice can vary substantially from year to year, the support for restrictions is quite stable.”

“Thirty-two percent of Democrats consider themselves pro-life but you would never know that judging by the new Democratic Party platform language or the speaking line up for the DNC this week,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine – cheered on by Planned Parenthood – are pushing the Democratic Party further and further to the extreme on abortion. Their position in support of abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, at taxpayer’s expense is dramatically out of step with the majority of Americans even those who identify as ‘pro-choice.’”

“Senator Kaine says he’s personally pro-life, but the abortion lobby has nothing to worry about. There is absolutely no daylight between Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton on abortion. Sen. Kaine has sponsored legislation to wipe out every state pro-life law on the books, and even opposed a common ground ban on painful late-term abortions more than halfway through pregnancy. Most tellingly, in the weeks he has been considered for the VP pick, he has refused to reiterate his previously expressed support for the Hyde Amendment.”

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