Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (

I have been critical of Donald Trump’s anemic fundraising going into the general election. It wouldn’t be fair of me to not point out that he had a phenomenal month fundraising in June raising $51 million. This signals a turnaround in Trump’s fundraising ability.

The Trump campaign released this statement on Wednesday:

Today the Donald J. Trump Campaign for President announced impressive totals from June’s fundraising efforts. The campaign’s newly established digital and small dollar operation rolled out fundraising emails which resulted in over $26 million dollars in donations for June ($19.9 million DJTFP efforts, and $6.6 million through TMAGA). This was made possible with over 400,000 supporters, with 94% of our supporters giving under $200. The first email solicitation, which contained an unprecedented $2 million match from Donald J. Trump, exceeded our goal, collecting over $3 million in contributions in one day. Donald J. Trump personally contributed $3.8 million to the campaign this month which brings total contributions to $55 million. The results from this month show the enthusiastic movement the campaign has created. People want to invest in a better future for America and Make America Great Again! The campaign very much appreciates the broad support.

The campaign, in conjunction with the RNC, also hosted 22 fundraising events throughout the country for Trump Victory, with contributions exceeding $25 million (which includes the last week of May and June). The Campaign is committed to working with the RNC to support its important operations for the Republican Party.

The fundraising team has built a top-tier operation in a short period of time led by Campaign Finance Chairman Steven Mnuchin and his RNC counterpart Lew Eisenberg, The campaign expects the success to continue throughout the summer with broad support on small dollar contributions via email solicitation from passionate supporters.

“We just started our fundraising efforts in the last week of May and we are extremely pleased with the broad-based support in the last five weeks for the Trump Campaign and Trump Victory. We want to thank our many volunteers and contributors that are committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November,” said Steven Mnuchin, Donald J. Trump for President Finance Chairman.

It appears they’re now on the right track with fundraising, but I will have to say from a communications perspective. They shouldn’t have released anything that would detract from the negative attention Hillary Clinton as a result of FBI Director James Comey’s announcement. The fundraising report could have waited until next week.

Regardless, they still have a lot to do to catch up to Hillary Clinton, but June was a good start.

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