Two polls were released over the weekend. I wrote about one today. I am so tired of the Des Moines Register’s leftist biased. They are so blinded by their bias they probably don’t even notice when it shows up in their headlines.

Ok, first the school choice poll.

58 percent of Iowans oppose using public money for non-public schools, while 35 percent favor it.

The headline “Majority oppose using public funds for private school.”

The other poll show 54 percent of Iowans support “stand your ground.” Just 36 percent oppose the change in the law.

The Des Moines Register’s headline? “Slim majority support ‘stand your ground.'”

Really? The margin was just five points closer than in the school choice poll.

The poll results the Des Moines Register’s editorial board favors is a “majority” The results they don’t like are a “slim majority.”

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