Iowa’s Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders made up of  Iowa Right to LifeThe FAMiLY LeaderIowans for LIFEIowa PAC for LifeLife Right ActionRestored by Grace MinistriesPersonhood IowaLutheran Family Service of Iowa, and the Thomas More Society released a joint statement responding to the failure of SF 253, the Life at Conception bill, to survive the first funnel week.

Senate File 253, the Life at Conception Act, did not have enough votes in the committee process before the Senate’s funnel date.

But ‘funnel’ is a deadline imposed on the legislature by itself and not binding on the Coalition of Pro-Life Leader’s efforts. We’re only halfway through the legislative session, and there remain several avenues available for advancing the defense of life.

We will continue to work with legislators throughout the session to address concerns and educate them on establishing life at conception in Iowa law. We fully intend to hold our legislators – of all political parties – accountable at the end of session for their efforts and stance on this life-and-death issue.

As Caffeinated Thoughts discussed with State Senator Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig) on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio last weekend the life-at-conception language can be amended to a bill that did survive funnel week, and (while not ideal) could be brought up during the appropriations process.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee it was State Senators Dan Dawson (R-Council Bluffs) and Tom Shipley (R-Nodaway) who due to their reservations about the bill kept it from being voted on in committee. The House version,  HF 297, died in the Human Resources Committee. The reason communicated to Caffeinated Thoughts is that the bill was primarily tabled since the Senate version didn’t survive funnel week. It is uncertain whether there was enough votes for the House bill to make it out of committee as well.

The Iowa Senate Human Resources committee did pass the Senate version of the 20-week abortion ban, SF 53, on a 9 to 3 vote.

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